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dc.contributor.advisorLewu, Francis B., Profen_US
dc.contributor.advisorNel, Anton, Mren_US
dc.contributor.authorSingbo, Arnauden_US
dc.descriptionThesis (MTech (Agriculture))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2018.en_US
dc.description.abstractZinc deficiency on various soil types have been reported in arable soils of sub Saharan Africa (SSA) including South Africa. A pot trial was conducted at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Wellington campus to investigate the interaction of different application rates of Zn at various soil pH on the grain yield and quality of spring wheat in a completely randomized factorial design replicated three times. The four soil pH tested were: pHA: 5.1, pHB: 5.6, pHC: 6.1, pHD: 6.6 which correspond to lime application at 0, 0.5, 1 and 1.5 t/ha. Five Zn rates (Zn1: 3.5; Zn2: 4.5; Zn3: 5.5 Zn4: 6.5, and Zn5: 7.5 mg /kg soil which correspond to Zn1: 7; Zn2: 9; Zn3: 11; Zn4: 13 and Zn5: 15 kg /ha) were applied at two (planting and flowering) growth stages. Yield and yield component data collected were analyzed using SAS version 9.2 and means were separated by Duncun’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results showed that grain yield and yield components were significantly affected by lime application pHC (6.1): 1t/ha at planting. Zn application at planting had no significant effect on the grain yield and yield components. However, at flowering, the simultaneous increase of Zn along with increase in lime positively affected grain yield and yield components. Plant analysis showed that at both stages (planting and flowering), Zn application, especially at pH 6.6, significantly increased P, K, Ca, Na, Mg Fe, Cu and B concentrations in wheat grain, but the concentrations of N, Mn, Zn and protein remained unaffected. Zn application had no effect on most nutrients due to the presence of lime. While the absence of lime, Zn4: 6.5mg/kg (corresponding to 13kg/ha) significantly increased the nutrients. In addition, Zn3: 5.5mg/kg (corresponding to 11kg/ha) promoted Zn absorption by grain in all treatments.en_US
dc.publisherCape Peninsula University of Technologyen_US
dc.subjectSoils -- Zinc contenten_US
dc.subjectZinc -- Physiological effecten_US
dc.subjectZinc deficiency diseases in plantsen_US
dc.subjectWheat -- Growthen_US
dc.subjectWheat -- Nutritionen_US
dc.subjectPlant-soil relationshipsen_US
dc.subjectSoil acidityen_US
dc.titleThe effect of zinc and soil ph on grain yield and nutrient concentrations in spring wheat cultivated on potted soilen_US
Appears in Collections:Agriculture - Masters Degrees
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