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Title: Factors influencing institutionalisation of change management practice in a department of the Western Cape government
Authors: Spangenberg-Hanekom, Theresha 
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Abstract: The study set out to identify key factors required for change institutionalisation, available change management models to implement technology in a Western Cape Government Department and to recommend general change management guidelines for government departments for the implementation technologies to improve performance. Radical policy changes were introduced in the way the government interacted with and funded Community Policing Forums (CPFs) in the Western Cape. Technology was used to enable and drive this change (a new web-based Police Oversight application) called the Expanded Partnership Programme (EPP) within the Western Cape Department of Community Safety (DoCS) to strengthen the Department’s oversight role. However, if change is not part of a wide-ranging planned management approach, it is very likely to fail. The EPP technology was developed with four main intended outcomes in mind, namely, 1) to increase the sustainability and functionality of CPFs, 2) to increase the effectiveness of CPFs by making sure structured monitoring or oversight of the policing function occurs, 3) to increase active citizenship and 4) to improve police answerability to local communities and implement a structured safety partnership between DoCS and CPFs. Whilst R18 million was invested in this technology there seems to be little return on investment, lack of participation, no changes to improved South African Police Services’ (SAPS) service delivery, CPF and staff resistance, and the subsequent under-utilisation of the EPP system indicates significant issues with the implementation of change management practices within the department. The research philosophy was pragmatic, a combination of both objectivist and constructivist ontological assumptions with an abductive approach. A combined research design, mixed method that yielded both quantitative and qualitative data was used. The research instruments deployed was s standardised survey and a focus group discussion. Data collection tools (a questionnaire using a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) to collect quantitative data and (a FGD with semi-structured questions) to collect qualitative data were developed. Data analysis measuring pairs of variables (descriptive statistics and Pearson’s Chi-Square crosstabulations data analysis technique) for quantitative data and (content analysis technique) was used to disaggregate FGD data and triangulated with the quantitative data. Cross tabulations were used to determine the relationship between pairs of variables which were found to be significant. A total of 111 respondents were surveyed from the study population and 5 participants from the same sample were used through non-probabilistic convenience sampling for the focus group discussion. The results showed a vision and strategy to inform stakeholders of what the change is about were developed but appropriate effective communication lacked. Efforts were made to help stakeholders understand the need and urgency for change but key stakeholders were not informed why the change was needed, how it would be achieved, or what the benefits of the change would be which resulted in internal and external resistance. A guiding group with power, energy and influence was not created. Staff and CPFs felt ill-prepared to implement the technology changes, partly as they did not receive adequate training, nor were obstacles to change removed. Stakeholders felt left out of the process on how to achieve change. Staff stress and anxiety levels increased significantly as a result of this change. Staff was confident to explain the new process to CPFs and SAPS but were not fully knowledgeable to do so. No short-term wins were created by recognising and rewarding work done towards achieving change and stakeholders were not informed that the change is working. Employees were not developed as change agents. The change was inadequately anchored in the corporate culture of the Department and did not reduce operational costs. Over half of the participants believed the change improved the performance of Community Policing Forums.
Description: Thesis (MTech (Business Administration))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2022
Appears in Collections:Business Administration - Master's Degree

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